The Zionist Conspiracy

(Note the perpetrators are money worshipers who claim to be from whatever group best suits their intentions)
1) Start charities to pay for research, on blacks, homeless people and orphans (the American Cancer Society)
2) Convince people to hate Jews through propaganda.
3) Kill Jews by using them in unethical experiments.
4) Bring new technology into America and start using American children for unethical experiments. (Like vaccines fluoridated water and testing new drugs)
5) Apologize to Jews and give them land occupied by Muslims. (Muslim religion forbids Usury, so Muslims can not be made into slaves through debt)
6) Create as much conflict as possible between groups, tell the public a variety of lies.
7) Lead the opposition with bad logic to make them seem crazy. (Jenny McCarthy)
8) Take away peoples rights by diagnosing them with "mental illness" and claiming they can not make their own decisions.
9) Convince people that mentally ill people are dangerous by blaming them for anything they can't blame on other minority groups.
10) Use laws to force people to pay for health care, even if they don't want or need it.
11) Create lasting fear in children, with a dramatic events blaming minority groups they can diagnose later.
Who to blame for the Zionist conspiracy? Will people of any background are used as puppets by the perpetrator it is clear the perpetrator is not human because it is over a hundred years old and not showing any sign of ageing. The perpetrator has many names, but can be called "Satan" "god money" The only way to defeat this perpetrator is to forgive people and avoid working against the greater good as much as possible. Be united by the truth, not divided by the lies.


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