Psychiatry Claims Another, RH Robin Williams

Around 8 years ago I ended up in a government funded marketing campaign for pharmaceutical companies, called State Hospital South. The doctor there mentioned Robin Williams was being treated for manic depression. Unfortunately drugs are only a temporary solution to a permanent problem. That is why I say RH instead of RIP, people with manic depression need real help, and being dead doesn't stopped anyone from making a difference.
Manic depressives face challenges, and they need to learn these 3 things.
1) Control pulse rate, speaking rate, and breathing rate. Simply counting down at slower rates can help. Like this 1.2.3, 1..2..3. Exercise or or just counting faster can increase pulse rate, speaking rate, and breathing rate, to get yourself moving again when you feel depressed.
2) There is more to reality than just the way you feel. No matter how good or bad you feel some things don't change. Focus on getting better when you are depressed be ready to make yourself stronger and make your life better when your energy returns. Remember all the reasons you have to live when your energy comes back.
3) Drugs can be used, as a tool so you have the control to get started, but over time self control is key to managing your feelings and being happy. You do not have a disease, you have a power. Don't let anyone tell you are sick! You have the power to change lives, even if you are dead, Raise heck Robin. Raise heck. Fear is being used to sell drugs, but fear is a liar. Don't let the fear of Depression, Parkinson's disease or anything else take away your life or your freedom.


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