Autistic Poverty

Why do we have a system that keeps people below the poverty line and forces them to apply for little things like bus tickets? As a disabled person I am forced to go around to all these death traps that are not usually not accessible for sensory disorder, because they have money for big screen TV's and other high pitched marketing. Also they keep ash trays right in front of the door, to insure anyone walking by is exposed to cigarette smoke which is deadly for some. It is a disaster trying to get food. This whole system is so messed up, I end up urinating all over myself, just for a box of food. So we divide up a box of fake food, among the random starving people. Will such world leaders as Marie Antoinette deny responsibility, the dead make more than the disabled, so we pass around the cake. It is strange to be in on this uncomfortable joke...
I see the young faces light up as the starving children see the excessive cake. The joke is not funny, at all and my keen sense of irony confuses the others. They show distress as a ramble and laugh. Oh what is the matter with Mary now? She seems upset, she forgets when we are playing. She rambles about charities and what is in the food...
The whole world destroyed by %20 that just went the wrong way...
"7. It is understood that at least Twenty Per cent (20%) of the allowance shall be used for benevolences."

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