The Road, to Hell, it Was Paved With Good Intentions
Looking over 100 years of charity work, we can know them by their fruits. After the Ludlow Massacre, Rockefeller set up charities, to help fund research. The Rockefeller Foundation funded research in Germany for "the good of humanity". Then working with the Jewish National Foundation he claimed Israel. Jews moving to Israel should consider the intentions of "free land offers" from a charity that is being funded from the same source as the holocaust.
The Rockefeller monopoly is well known for putting profit before human interests, yet they seem to control and market almost every major charity. What does it really take to maintain control like that? Will it stats with the simple exchange of tokens. People like Rockefeller are willing to work for tokens and tend to significantly overestimate their importance. Working in a mine might seem like hell, yet humans associating tokens with survival are willing to die in mines for them. War is another form of hell people will endure for tokens.
People often fail to understand that the work they do is counterproductive, when they are given praise and tokens for it. Humans are social and designed create a common reality. This supports the long term acquisition of knowledge. Schools focus on money games and writing, will science is wrongly taught as a group of facts. Early on children learn the importance of money and as our planet is destroyed money becomes more and more important.
This is a monopoly game that has really gotten out of hand. Corporations are claiming everything and forcing people to pay beyond their means. As more and more people end up homeless, because they simply can't afford to pay rent, even at Baltic Ave., it becomes more and more apparent that most people are working for tokens rather than the betterment of our planet.
Now it is winter, it is cold and I am sick of this stupid game. I want to live in a cave and depend on God. I am sick of looking for the pink bill and all the other paperwork they require just to live stuck in an old trailer on a disability check. Living in this nowhere land, becomes more unbearable as noise seems more painful.
I can not say I never loved the world or all the worldly things. I saw the dances, I heard the music, I observed the ceremonies. Even when it became painful it was still so tempting. I remember my mom saying "if all the angles in heaven where so good, why don't they try to help the people in hell?", yet how much longer will I be able to justify being in a place where I do not belong?
How could the fear of loosing everything compel me to wait here? I don't seem to value my own life or have anything else left. As my memories of Eden grow clear time begins to disappear. I see now spring is near. You would believe God was forgiving, if you understood what man had done.
Do not worry. Even against the greatest powers of man, the plants still grow and heavy elements are still pulled down below, please let the world be free, don't work to take away the things God does naturally. Please understand, that we are creatures from Eden, not from below the Earth. No matter how we are enticed by money and things, stuff from below the Earth damages human beings. We have so many worlds in our minds. Just let us have all the things that used to be free, there are so many worlds for everyone to see. Please remember the angles and end this monopoly.
The Rockefeller monopoly is well known for putting profit before human interests, yet they seem to control and market almost every major charity. What does it really take to maintain control like that? Will it stats with the simple exchange of tokens. People like Rockefeller are willing to work for tokens and tend to significantly overestimate their importance. Working in a mine might seem like hell, yet humans associating tokens with survival are willing to die in mines for them. War is another form of hell people will endure for tokens.
People often fail to understand that the work they do is counterproductive, when they are given praise and tokens for it. Humans are social and designed create a common reality. This supports the long term acquisition of knowledge. Schools focus on money games and writing, will science is wrongly taught as a group of facts. Early on children learn the importance of money and as our planet is destroyed money becomes more and more important.
This is a monopoly game that has really gotten out of hand. Corporations are claiming everything and forcing people to pay beyond their means. As more and more people end up homeless, because they simply can't afford to pay rent, even at Baltic Ave., it becomes more and more apparent that most people are working for tokens rather than the betterment of our planet.
Now it is winter, it is cold and I am sick of this stupid game. I want to live in a cave and depend on God. I am sick of looking for the pink bill and all the other paperwork they require just to live stuck in an old trailer on a disability check. Living in this nowhere land, becomes more unbearable as noise seems more painful.
I can not say I never loved the world or all the worldly things. I saw the dances, I heard the music, I observed the ceremonies. Even when it became painful it was still so tempting. I remember my mom saying "if all the angles in heaven where so good, why don't they try to help the people in hell?", yet how much longer will I be able to justify being in a place where I do not belong?
How could the fear of loosing everything compel me to wait here? I don't seem to value my own life or have anything else left. As my memories of Eden grow clear time begins to disappear. I see now spring is near. You would believe God was forgiving, if you understood what man had done.
Do not worry. Even against the greatest powers of man, the plants still grow and heavy elements are still pulled down below, please let the world be free, don't work to take away the things God does naturally. Please understand, that we are creatures from Eden, not from below the Earth. No matter how we are enticed by money and things, stuff from below the Earth damages human beings. We have so many worlds in our minds. Just let us have all the things that used to be free, there are so many worlds for everyone to see. Please remember the angles and end this monopoly.
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