Evolution of Population Control

Cult of hermes: Killed babies at certain time to insure their is enough food to feed everyone.

Hebrews: Founding older father, did not want to kill his son, so he killed a ram instead.

Jews: Hebrews discovered they prefered wine to blood for rituals.

Christians: Replaced the ceremony with a more symbolic ritual involving bread and wine.

Planned Parenthood: Compromise to make the killing of babies more politically correct. Adding the idea of choice and marketing gruesome procedures as being a person's choice.

Marketing tactics:

Imaging a "war of the sexes" Removing a woman's personal freedoms to the extent that they fear, they will be forced to raise rape babies without even access to what they need to survive.

Absorbing obscene amounts of resources to the point of making child rearing cost prohibitive.

Using the Idea of interracial rape, as a tool used to manipulate morbidly white males, who notice the natural attraction of morbidly white breeding females to more colorful men. The mixing of races is a natural response to the environment. The consent issue has nothing to do with race or sex, everyone deserves comfort boundaries, that are routinely violated due to fear. Planned Parenthood promotes child rape, through vaccines and procedure that violate children, who are not old enough to fully understand rights and consent and have been taught to obey authority "or else" without real choice or consent.

Solution: Returning balance and freedom to both sexes by sterilizing males. Males should be allowed to put their reproductive rights in the hands of female scientists, who already as women have the natural right to chose the next generation. Females have always practiced selective breeding, choosing men who are most suitable for reproduction.

Males tend to seek sexual satisfaction, and become frustrated when females insist on breeding with only mates who have the qualification to produce the best offspring. Technology can be used to replace rejection with delay, saving genes not suitable for this time and place for suitable times and places.


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