Time Travel of the Past
In the future people realized all people and plants and animals and microbes were connected. They created a single unifying force of God understanding time and space in ways we never thought possible. They lived in heaven healed the sick and cared for every child knowing they were all children of God. This world was infinitely improvable. If one thing went wrong, than it all nerve would have happened, no existence, no reality, no time, no people. The things that survive must somehow create themselves, before they even exist. Everyone had to know about their connection. Everyone had to understand their part in the larger whole so that they could be. Even the people long ago had to build an understanding of their unity. When Mary was born it was too late, people had begun to destroy each other, the world had been filled with war and hate. People had too much power and to little understanding of it. Minor differences lead people to kill each other. Humans had created a monster and, they were trapped by it in counterproductive slavery, they repeated their mistakes for fear of death, if they did not continue down this destructive path. Mary became pregnant, but this world was no place for a child, so she went back thousands of years to raise her child of God, to teach him of life and healing. She named the child Je suis, the french words for "I am". In the end the truth would be known, when technolgy beat the baffling of Babylon. They would know. Mary arrived thousands of years before she was born and give birth to her child, still a virgin.
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