Wave your behind in the air! Because the government just don't care.
I was inspired by my talented friend Jonathan Lee Riches, to write a song about my ordeal in the hopes of raising awareness for medical abuse victims. I welcome any performances or re-rights of this song. Congratulations on your freedom!
Wave your behind in the air! Because the government just don't care. I was forced into affordable housing, but it was to loud to live there. I was living in a tent walking 16 miles day. Someone came along and took my stuff away. I was getting week and I hadn't slept for 2 days so I called the dispatch number because it was programed in my phone, My fingers didn't work and every agency in town had already let me down. They transferred me 3 times.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
Each time I told the story it was a little bit louder and a little bit worse. The police showed up and they could see something was wrong, they took me to the emergency room. "The noise hurts please take me somewhere quiet I begged" I was screaming may head off so they came in with a shot I screamed about my rights as they injected me with poison they said I had a right to treatment. I woke up upstairs. They made me take a pill and I freaked out.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
They brought in the occupational therapy toys and they went out. My lonely sick childhood was another thing to scream about. I cried like a 3 year old, until I blacked out. The noise chased me around. The staff did not understand so I took off my shoe. I said this is going to hurt you, more than it hurts me, as I kicked the wall as hard as I could. I could not do this before, but the noise hurt so bad, I didn't feel pain that way anymore.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
I hide in the corner of the observation cell under a mat and chair and I locked the door. They told me that was illegal restraint and seclusion. I said what do you think you are doing to me? Why do you think I'm here? Please take me someplace safe you'er hurting me a lot. Finally they had a hearing to let my fate be decided by people I'd barely even met.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
So they sent me back again to the place, I had once been, back when I was a taxpayer way back when, they didn't listen when I said no. The medical record said I'd been given a shot, but that wasn't true. I still had the mental capacity to know they were gonna do what they were gonna do. The people I did not know made their decision, in spite of my objections, my brother from similar medications and I'm the only child my mom has left... She was very angry, she never approved of the way they had mistreated me.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
Destroying an adults's ability to tolerate sound, is something childrens medications really should not do! The minty blue pill melted in my mouth, and I swelled up like never before. I waked down the middle of the hall in a perfectly straight line. It was a wide hallway but I kept hitting the wall. I notice Risperdal makes people swell up till they wet their pants! They can barely walk and that is not a happy dance!
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
I had a bad reaction will my doctor took time off for the weekend. My mother was concerned and very mad, everyone could see the pills were hurting be bad. She don't get no records she didn't get no say. I was a grown-up taxpaying independent adult, so all her parental rights had gone away. Health and Welfare paid my bill over $40,000 to abuse me will children on food stamps starved and got diabetes from eating too much food bank swill.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
I was finally found "fit to proceed" with an just an excessively high does of thyroid medicine, I really didn't need. So they had to drop the charges, I was fit to proceed, but the case against me was not. after over a year the case hit the flour, but that didn't matter because I couldn't function like before. I was scared by what happened and out of money, so I moved away. I convinced my mom that since I already had my AS degree that ISU was the place I should be. I got a full pell grant, but it still wasn't even enough money.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
I started out as a communications major but I got really sick because someone had a cigarette when I was stumbling out because the video the teacher played, hurt my ears like an icepick. For my 30th birthday after I'd been in school a while Vocational Rehab told me they wouldn't by books. People said I was smart, so I never planned to get by on my looks. I didn't know waving my behind
was the easiest way to college books.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
I went around looking for funding, I did not sit there and wait. I went around with a essay called "Educate me Don't Drug me". Book funding is something the educational system lacks. I got really sick, so they sent me home with a prescription for Atarax for allergies.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
Vocational rehab looked over my record and redirected me, they suggested that computer aided drafting was a place I should be. They said they would move the ashtray, they invited me to a party and left me waiting by the door. I was afraid of getting sick like I had before. I had to eat my lunch in the hall my and eyes were burning out.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
Since I couldn't get their easily, they had me take a specials bus just for those who have trouble, with transportation like me. I had to call and schedule a ride 24 hours in advance and wait up to an hour for the bus. I forgot to schedule a ride home one day and was trapped on campus, it took a very long time for smokers to move so I could finally make the 2 hour walk home after spending the entire day in a noisy prison with my eye burning out.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
After it was just a bit late to, drop out finally they told me, hand drawing was what the class was all about. I am often asked to sign my name so everybody knows, I can't write well with my hands even as well as most people can write with their toes! After completing the entire occupational therapy program I could open bottles again, but I lose that ability in noisy stressful environments, like the place I was trapped all day.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
The teachers may have been very bright, but they didn't know how to educate a student who couldn't read or write. I explained what had happened and told them I was angry they excepted grant money but showed no intention of educating me. So they gave speech therapy.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
I really needed more money, I was starving and couldn't afford to eat. The skin was falling off my hands I had usually hired people to do my dishes before, I have an allergy to corn and the citric acid in dish soap makes the skin fall off my hands. They give me lots of free food but almost nothing I should eat.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
This is not logical, it is only about greed the government will pay too much for anything as long as it something people actually want or need. I got assistance so I could have a place could to really stay, in my crappy apartment the noise often chased me away. I was getting more sleep for a while but things went wrong, They started to do road work in the middle of the night.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
People in the neighborhood started doing too much meth and the lack of sleep and constant noise would likely lead to my death. No ever got much sleep even night or day. The noise was bad so I ran away. I did have a place to go and it was already dark, at least the police opened the door for me so I could use the bathroom at the park.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
The next day I moved in with a guy I had just met, but his place was too noisy so we carried all my stuff into the woods and set up a tent. Finally in my tent I was doing well. I couldn't live at my place but I still had to pay the rent! I told counselors and social workers One of my neighbors even called adult protect services. This was the only place I could sleep and afford to live, even with all their "help".
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
So that is how I ended up back there. As walked through the door nothing was quite the same as it had been before. The first time I was there I would gladly watch TV. Now a spent hours crying painfully in the shower because they didn't give me any other place far enough away from the TV.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
I couldn't come out for meals or even get food I could eat, when they finally turned off the TV most of the food was unsafe. I was so hungry, I was exposing myself to noise, because my reactions to noise was the only way I could get them to bring me food. They tortured me with more drugs that made me cry you'er making me worse all night long. I'm allergic to fillers all the drugs are wrong!
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
Someone picked me up and I finally got away, and I got lots of help so I survived, but I couldn't pay the bills at the place I couldn't live. The grant funding application process was abusive and I ran out of options. The electricity finally got shut off and no one wanted to pay the electric bill at a place I couldn't live.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
They found a place I could afford to live if I got help, The housing agency sent out my 2 weeks notice early and the landlord wanted me out as soon as possible so they could get the power back on leaving me homeless. The other housing agency, made me come 73 miles away. They made me beg for a ride and drove me out of the building, that day. I could have been hit by a car, if I hadn't managed to trap myself under the seat. Then they finally helped me apply and inspected the place they wanted 31 things fixed, before they would pay.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
Apparently they think fixing a trip hazard and removing the skirting from a trailer to show insure it was bolted down properly, So I don't fall or blow away, is more important then me actually having a place to live. They would not pay what it costed for a suitable place and made it impossible to get into any place reasonable safe for me without some serious behind waving.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
I couldn't apply for the grant I needed to keep my electricity on, but I don't really care. Now I know the best way to get what I need is to wave my behind around, these Alphabet soup agencies are worthless bureaucracies. Now I'm living right with hot baths a fancy phone internet and an expensive TV package a big screen muted TV and real food. Mostly paid for by someone who is already in debt.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
We live in a vain world. If I gained 30 pounds I'd be homeless have nothing and probably die in the street. The allergy vaccine that was proven "safe and effective" after my doctor died mysteriously on his way to a meeting, left me with so many allergies, I can't eat more than 90% of the available food. I don't have to worry about gaining weight, because diarrhea is the secret to weight loss.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
My electricity was shut off again, but I need food more than electricity and I must live within my lack of means. Things are looking up for me I have safe meat and I even acquired ownership of a cow rectim, because with my alergies, the only way I can legally get safe milk legally is to own part of a cow. It is good to finally have freedom of speech, it is very hard to communicate when you are being tortured and have no money...Idaho has a very high suicide rate.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
Wave your behind in the air! Because the government just don't care. I was forced into affordable housing, but it was to loud to live there. I was living in a tent walking 16 miles day. Someone came along and took my stuff away. I was getting week and I hadn't slept for 2 days so I called the dispatch number because it was programed in my phone, My fingers didn't work and every agency in town had already let me down. They transferred me 3 times.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
Each time I told the story it was a little bit louder and a little bit worse. The police showed up and they could see something was wrong, they took me to the emergency room. "The noise hurts please take me somewhere quiet I begged" I was screaming may head off so they came in with a shot I screamed about my rights as they injected me with poison they said I had a right to treatment. I woke up upstairs. They made me take a pill and I freaked out.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
They brought in the occupational therapy toys and they went out. My lonely sick childhood was another thing to scream about. I cried like a 3 year old, until I blacked out. The noise chased me around. The staff did not understand so I took off my shoe. I said this is going to hurt you, more than it hurts me, as I kicked the wall as hard as I could. I could not do this before, but the noise hurt so bad, I didn't feel pain that way anymore.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
I hide in the corner of the observation cell under a mat and chair and I locked the door. They told me that was illegal restraint and seclusion. I said what do you think you are doing to me? Why do you think I'm here? Please take me someplace safe you'er hurting me a lot. Finally they had a hearing to let my fate be decided by people I'd barely even met.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
So they sent me back again to the place, I had once been, back when I was a taxpayer way back when, they didn't listen when I said no. The medical record said I'd been given a shot, but that wasn't true. I still had the mental capacity to know they were gonna do what they were gonna do. The people I did not know made their decision, in spite of my objections, my brother from similar medications and I'm the only child my mom has left... She was very angry, she never approved of the way they had mistreated me.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
Destroying an adults's ability to tolerate sound, is something childrens medications really should not do! The minty blue pill melted in my mouth, and I swelled up like never before. I waked down the middle of the hall in a perfectly straight line. It was a wide hallway but I kept hitting the wall. I notice Risperdal makes people swell up till they wet their pants! They can barely walk and that is not a happy dance!
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
I had a bad reaction will my doctor took time off for the weekend. My mother was concerned and very mad, everyone could see the pills were hurting be bad. She don't get no records she didn't get no say. I was a grown-up taxpaying independent adult, so all her parental rights had gone away. Health and Welfare paid my bill over $40,000 to abuse me will children on food stamps starved and got diabetes from eating too much food bank swill.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
I was finally found "fit to proceed" with an just an excessively high does of thyroid medicine, I really didn't need. So they had to drop the charges, I was fit to proceed, but the case against me was not. after over a year the case hit the flour, but that didn't matter because I couldn't function like before. I was scared by what happened and out of money, so I moved away. I convinced my mom that since I already had my AS degree that ISU was the place I should be. I got a full pell grant, but it still wasn't even enough money.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
I started out as a communications major but I got really sick because someone had a cigarette when I was stumbling out because the video the teacher played, hurt my ears like an icepick. For my 30th birthday after I'd been in school a while Vocational Rehab told me they wouldn't by books. People said I was smart, so I never planned to get by on my looks. I didn't know waving my behind
was the easiest way to college books.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
I went around looking for funding, I did not sit there and wait. I went around with a essay called "Educate me Don't Drug me". Book funding is something the educational system lacks. I got really sick, so they sent me home with a prescription for Atarax for allergies.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
Vocational rehab looked over my record and redirected me, they suggested that computer aided drafting was a place I should be. They said they would move the ashtray, they invited me to a party and left me waiting by the door. I was afraid of getting sick like I had before. I had to eat my lunch in the hall my and eyes were burning out.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
Since I couldn't get their easily, they had me take a specials bus just for those who have trouble, with transportation like me. I had to call and schedule a ride 24 hours in advance and wait up to an hour for the bus. I forgot to schedule a ride home one day and was trapped on campus, it took a very long time for smokers to move so I could finally make the 2 hour walk home after spending the entire day in a noisy prison with my eye burning out.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
After it was just a bit late to, drop out finally they told me, hand drawing was what the class was all about. I am often asked to sign my name so everybody knows, I can't write well with my hands even as well as most people can write with their toes! After completing the entire occupational therapy program I could open bottles again, but I lose that ability in noisy stressful environments, like the place I was trapped all day.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
The teachers may have been very bright, but they didn't know how to educate a student who couldn't read or write. I explained what had happened and told them I was angry they excepted grant money but showed no intention of educating me. So they gave speech therapy.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
I really needed more money, I was starving and couldn't afford to eat. The skin was falling off my hands I had usually hired people to do my dishes before, I have an allergy to corn and the citric acid in dish soap makes the skin fall off my hands. They give me lots of free food but almost nothing I should eat.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
This is not logical, it is only about greed the government will pay too much for anything as long as it something people actually want or need. I got assistance so I could have a place could to really stay, in my crappy apartment the noise often chased me away. I was getting more sleep for a while but things went wrong, They started to do road work in the middle of the night.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
People in the neighborhood started doing too much meth and the lack of sleep and constant noise would likely lead to my death. No ever got much sleep even night or day. The noise was bad so I ran away. I did have a place to go and it was already dark, at least the police opened the door for me so I could use the bathroom at the park.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
The next day I moved in with a guy I had just met, but his place was too noisy so we carried all my stuff into the woods and set up a tent. Finally in my tent I was doing well. I couldn't live at my place but I still had to pay the rent! I told counselors and social workers One of my neighbors even called adult protect services. This was the only place I could sleep and afford to live, even with all their "help".
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
So that is how I ended up back there. As walked through the door nothing was quite the same as it had been before. The first time I was there I would gladly watch TV. Now a spent hours crying painfully in the shower because they didn't give me any other place far enough away from the TV.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
I couldn't come out for meals or even get food I could eat, when they finally turned off the TV most of the food was unsafe. I was so hungry, I was exposing myself to noise, because my reactions to noise was the only way I could get them to bring me food. They tortured me with more drugs that made me cry you'er making me worse all night long. I'm allergic to fillers all the drugs are wrong!
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
Someone picked me up and I finally got away, and I got lots of help so I survived, but I couldn't pay the bills at the place I couldn't live. The grant funding application process was abusive and I ran out of options. The electricity finally got shut off and no one wanted to pay the electric bill at a place I couldn't live.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
They found a place I could afford to live if I got help, The housing agency sent out my 2 weeks notice early and the landlord wanted me out as soon as possible so they could get the power back on leaving me homeless. The other housing agency, made me come 73 miles away. They made me beg for a ride and drove me out of the building, that day. I could have been hit by a car, if I hadn't managed to trap myself under the seat. Then they finally helped me apply and inspected the place they wanted 31 things fixed, before they would pay.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
Apparently they think fixing a trip hazard and removing the skirting from a trailer to show insure it was bolted down properly, So I don't fall or blow away, is more important then me actually having a place to live. They would not pay what it costed for a suitable place and made it impossible to get into any place reasonable safe for me without some serious behind waving.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
I couldn't apply for the grant I needed to keep my electricity on, but I don't really care. Now I know the best way to get what I need is to wave my behind around, these Alphabet soup agencies are worthless bureaucracies. Now I'm living right with hot baths a fancy phone internet and an expensive TV package a big screen muted TV and real food. Mostly paid for by someone who is already in debt.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
We live in a vain world. If I gained 30 pounds I'd be homeless have nothing and probably die in the street. The allergy vaccine that was proven "safe and effective" after my doctor died mysteriously on his way to a meeting, left me with so many allergies, I can't eat more than 90% of the available food. I don't have to worry about gaining weight, because diarrhea is the secret to weight loss.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
My electricity was shut off again, but I need food more than electricity and I must live within my lack of means. Things are looking up for me I have safe meat and I even acquired ownership of a cow rectim, because with my alergies, the only way I can legally get safe milk legally is to own part of a cow. It is good to finally have freedom of speech, it is very hard to communicate when you are being tortured and have no money...Idaho has a very high suicide rate.
So wave your behind in the air, because the government just don't care!
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