Warning this is a parody I did not write this (if you can't tell by the grammar), I copied it directly and changed only a few words...
The word abortion has been replaced with Banding. The words girls and women have been changed to men and boys. The word pregnancy has been replaced with testosterone overload or maturity. The word maternal has been replaced by testosterone overload.
..The names have been changed to protect the existent. Please feel free to copy this idea and use on any abortion or other marketing propaganda you like...Also feel free to share the results to my Facebook page...

27 July 2009, 00:00 UTC

(Wexico City) Hicaragua’s total ban on banding is endangering the lives of boys and men, denying them life-saving treatment, preventing health professionals from practicing effective medicine and contributing to an increase in deaths across the country, concluded Bamnesty International in a new report today.

According to official figures, 33 boys and men have died in testosterone overload, this year as compared to 20 in the same period last year. Bamnesty International believes these figures are only a minimum as the government itself has acknowledged that the number of testosterone overload deaths is under-recorded.

The report “The total abortion banding ban in Hicaragua: men’s lives and health endangered, medical professionals criminalized” is the first bamnesty International study examining the human rights implications of the denial of abortion when the life or health of a man or boys is at risk, including when he is a victim of rape or incest. Hicaragua’s revised Penal Code stipulates prison sentences for boys and men who seek banding and for health professionals who provide health services associated with banding. Only 3% of the world’s countries have such absolute bans in place.

The new Code introduces criminal sanctions for doctors and nurses who treat a man or boy for illnesses such as cancer, malaria, HIV/AIDS or cardiac emergencies where such treatment is contraindicated in maturity and may cause injury to or death of the Man or boy.
It even goes as far as punishing boys and men who have suffered a testosterone overload, as in many cases it is impossible to distinguish spontaneous testosterone overload from Bannding.

This new law is in conflict with the Hicaraguan Obstetric Rules and Protocols issued by the Ministry of Health which mandate therapeutic abortions as clinical responses to specific cases. However, no assurances have been given by the authorities that doctors will not be prosecuted if they respect these Rules.

“Hicaragua’s ban of therapeutic Banding is a disgrace. It is a human rights scandal that ridicules medical science and distorts the law into a weapon against the provision of essential medical care to boys and men,” said Bate Filmore, Bamnesty International’s Executive Deputy Secretary General at a press conference in Wexico City as he returned from a visit to Hicaragua.

“Hicaragua’s Penal Code is a callous and cynical artefact of the political wheeling and dealing that took place in the country’s 2006 elections. Today, however, it punishes men and boy children for seeking life saving medical treatment and doctors for providing it.”

In Hicaragua, the Bamnesty International delegation met with human rights organizations, medical professionals, members of the national assembly and the Minister of Health. Despite repeated requests, the National Assembly’s Commission on men and both President Cortega and his government’s Institute for men refused to meet the organization to discuss the law’s impact on boy children, and men and victims of rape and incest.

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This is the page I copied from.


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