Jonathan Lee Riches, a Hero Under Attack

Jonathan Lee Riches is a disability advocate, who files lawsuits to help people who are victims of government munchausen. This is important because in the US "free speech" is expensive and the disabled can not afford basic needs.

I was surprised to see that the department of justice was wasting time on a subpoena of Jonathan's handwriting and DNA. This is a waste of time and taxpayer money because he is not making fraudulent statements and they very likely already have this information. In my opinion the Department of Justice is trying to cover up their negligence in overlooking the many charities and government organisations that fraudulently claim to help people with disabilities, but instead waste money for the disabled preventing them from meeting basic needs. Such as having a home or paying for electricity.

Jonathan Lee Riches:
"Its all a sham and it's disgusting. I'm very concerned for my future"

Mary Tormey:
Service are not being provided humainly, just the act of making someone who can't work try to navigate the horrible "support systems" is abusive and excessively expensive. Employees are paid to help me fill out redundant forms, because most disability support money is wasted on bureaucracy and I can't afford the food I need because of a digestive disability. I cry every time I find out how much I get in food stamps, it is not close to enough and my check is not enough to even keep up with my bills, let alone support personal needs like toilet paper.

Gary Kerness:
“All I’m asking for is affordable, handicapped housing,”
“I need to be able to get into bed, I haven’t been out of this wheelchair since I left Bingham Memorial on March 14."

Quote from Aid for Friends Executive Director B.J. Stensland said
“Aid for Friends provides reasonable accommodations to individuals with mobility issues,” Stensland said. “Over the past six months, three people who use wheelchairs have been housed at the emergency shelter.”

"The Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice, created in 1957 by the enactment of the Civil Rights Act of 1957, works to uphold the civil and constitutional rights of all Americans, particularly some of the most vulnerable members of our society. The Division enforces federal statutes prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex, disability, religion, familial status" and national origin.

Gary Kerness:
“All I’m asking for is affordable, handicapped housing,”
“I need to be able to get into bed, I haven’t been out of this wheelchair since I left Bingham Memorial on March 14."

Link to Jonathan Lee Riches, document on Facebook:

Coming soon: link to reply from Mary Tormey's complaint against SECA, list of places "in my area" to get help... I don't have a car, I have adio sensitive seizures and the closest address on the list the DOJ sent me is around 30 miles from my home!


  1. Dear: DOJ please leave advocates like Jonathan Lee Riches alone and do a nationwide investigation into the misuse of funds for the disabled. Money is out there for the disabled please get it for us. Please offer amnesty and protection to people who report misuse of funds for the disabled. Many teachers have witness embezzlement, why have they reported this to me and not to you? Thank you, disabled people need your help because we are disabled and we can't find money to live.


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