Why Hillary Isn't Ready For the White House

As CEO of the Clinton foundation Hillary Clinton has an important job of insuring charity purchases have value. During wars toxic food products had many advantages they lasted longer and were quick on the battlefield and they could be made cheaply by fewer people. A combination of vaccines and food products designed for soldiers is significantly increasing health problems.

The best way to protect ourselves from the additives even microbes won't eat is to simply avoid them. Eugenics has proven, not to select for those who tolerate the new food, but those who avoid it and take care of their families well.

By using her charity connections, she can make unsafe food at least avoidable for the masses. Hillary is suffering health issues as are many others, she should correct the food and medical system by using her connections to send chemical energy over to NASA, instead of using it to make food products that block the absorption of proteins.

Hillary is not stupid, but is still visibly shaking from buildup. Over the past hundred years Charities have inflated costs, and decreased quality of products. Companies that sell vain products to charities are inflating costs and keeping productive workers from getting out of debt.

Research has often proven to create hate speech instead of useful information, the medical industry owes minority groups an apology. I find the Ebola and aids marketing hateful and disgusting, this is not about blacks or gays, it's about fiduciary abuse and irresponsible behaviors such as using contaminated medical products on unsuspecting people.

When people are denied jobs because of medical industry hate speech, they are also denied fiduciary liberty, giving the medical industry access to many American slaves, they can victimize as they have victimized people in the past.

In America all people should have fiduciary liberty, we spend huge amounts interrogating the poor and forcing them into buying things they don't want like hate speech, to get grants. We pay for trips to the emergency room, because after all the living wage employees they pay to deal with paperwork, basic needs are still out of reach.

The truth is people who do actual work should not have to compete, with medical/food-like product trafficking industries billing for and slandering people, and distributing harmful food-like products to public with their tax money will they fall further into debt.

In 8 years a seasoned Hillary could surely win by a landslide, things are changing people are upset about ethnocentric delusions and injustice. Space travel, and new reproductive options show promise of a bright future.



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