Batteries are a deep subject.

Batteries are a deep subject. It seems I've been living a lie since the early 1900's. The lie became unbearable about the time I was weened. The evidence following me seems to prove, not only that certain things should not be eaten, but that these things could be quite useful in molecular machines. I have began circular brainstorming ideas from nature at my blogs that would be useful for molecular machines. Next I am going to start brainstorming materials. My hands are damp pink and shaky, but I need to change a variety of very counterproductive systems.

The food system.
We are not wasting food by throwing it out as much as we are wasting food by preserving it. Microbial lives matter and the microbes in our guts, that help us digest food.

The school system.
Deprivation of liberty in schools, wastes human potential, by preventing children from meeting unseen needs and learning how to manage their time.

The charity system.
Paying more, will not make things easier for the poor. We are putting invasive bureaucracies ahead of people's needs, by not letting people choose their purchases fairly.

The productions system.
We are creating needs, instead of fulfilling needs. Drugs and other products should be made to last and work, rather than to create lasting income.

Any advice would be appreciated.
Thank you

Mary E. Ester Esther Tormey


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