Dangerous Pig Farts and Other Mining Industry Scams

In an area that has long had farming roots, unscrupulous salesmen have, pushed many scams. Sadly with child storage scams many people have grown up to believe, this synthetic factory farmed pig poop.

Apparently, now people blocks away from a small pig farm are complaining about "gas" from the pig farm.
The Top 12 Most Dangerous Adventures in Group Thinking I Can Think Of...

1) "nuclear power", which used an impractical method of pulling apart nucleus es when free-moving electrons held readily available power that could be accessed for almost nothing.

2) "Pork" that is 10% fertilizer water.

3) Herbicides that kill everything, but the "invasive weeds".

4) Insecticides, that build up in predators, and cause dangerous insect mutations.

5) Antimicrobial substances that kill off anything, but dangerous supper-bugs.

6) Antidepressants that make people suicidal.

7) Drug candies to make child storage scams more tolerable.

8) Cyanide bombs for wildlife management.

9) Cows should only eat just grass.

10) "Carbon Free" "Organic Sugar".

11) Low phosphate pooping pigs, genetically modified to produce less phosphate, so they won't compete with the phosphate fertilizers, and weed killers, sold to gullible gentlemen farmers, for "grass fed" cows, and people who want lawns, because they have been separated from their horticulture roots, and miss seeing anything green.

12) Burning oil, instead of using it to help hold clean chemical energy, and make molecular membranes.


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