Is Resident Evil: The Final Chapter, Actually Happening?
I saw "Radioactive Boy Scout" on the "Mysteries at the Museum" and I realized that a 16 year old in 1996 was preschool aged in 1984. He might have been inspired by tails from an old church named Trinity Berkeley. The protagonists used a prayer to recover information that is still very useful and relevant today. Could a simple prayer guide a teenager into nuclear disaster...Build a spaceship they said, fly to heaven if you wish they said...
This is an image showing a scar I acquired years after falling into a green grid during the zombie apocalypse from 1945-? Most people did not seem to notice the zombie apocalypse. My parents where born after it started, they would be like grains, grains with those disgusting bran muffins and water that contained sodium fluoride. Cast Iron reacts with sodium fluoride in water to produce green eggs when water is added to powdered milk to make the eggs stretch further. As Dr, Seuss put it. "Sam I am, I will not eat green eggs and ham."
The antimicrobial substances in the water made it nearly impossible for me to digest anything but almost pure sugar and fat. My face rash was already from the tip of my nose to the bottom of my chin. The 6th grade girls who watched me, were gone for an assembly and I crashed into green grid hitting my left side after a vaguely described "urethral bypass" operation. Luckily no one seemed to notice. I left for NIC in the middle of what would have been my senior year.
I have a degree science from North Idaho College, and I worked as a prep. room assistant 5 semester gaining knowledge of hazardous materials from Roberta Black as well as taking many of the science classes offered at NIC, with phase shifted neurology, so I could hear things in the next room. They talked about ghosts, as I washed the dishes 3 times with regular water and 3 times with de-ionized water.
I haven't seen the movie yet, but I remember what bossy nurse grandma told me to do. Quickly, gather the un-dead and feed them broccoli! The broccoli is what they used to treat the victims of the holocaust, a similar incident had taken place in NAZI Germany and was apparently defeated by a mysterious theater group called the white roses. Alice or Aline Life Intelligence Control Evaluation, often described as Alice's Restaurant was used to describe microbes that helped humans in a symbiosis, in exchange for enjoying the comfort of the digestive system. Nutrition would not treat the starvation, because humans require microbial life to use food effectively. The normal microbial life saved us, from the one percent of microbes, who survived the microbial genocide, being marketed as anti-bacterial soap..."It's a small world after all."
In 1984 we never wrote anything down. Written things can be be changed or destroyed. A no touching rule was instituted, because it is common for 4 year old kids who consumed sodium fluoride to scream their heads off when touched. The other children drank soda because their parents did not know how healthy water was.
I was smaller than the others and my head was so big I almost fell on my nose during, head shoulders knees and toes. I was older than the others because I was born in February. They would not let me play with a donated store, because they thought I was too young.
We remember the signs of war, when the infrastructure starts to crumble, when Alice in Wonderland suddenly becomes Resident Evil!
London bridge is falling down, falling down, take the keys and lock them up lock them up my fair lady. Your trip through time well carry on, long after you are gone, but it's hard to watch where you are going, when you consume a lot of..."roach killer"?
Lewis Hall was built after the mysterious death Gilbert Newton Lewis in 1946. Cotra-Costa county started fluoridating the water in 1945. I was named after Ester Lewis. Is this name just a pair of cousin with the same name because of Esther Williams Popularity, as my mother had said, or did the name change have a hidden meaning? My father changed it thinking it was just a spelling error. I chose E because I can spell it.
I could not read the job description or even write readable, but my off time made me the only one there. Roberta had just fired people and I was in her class. It was a bit mysterious for me to even be there. I was in a Liebig lab before, but was it real? I had known what I was doing that day, the water changes time. I drank it as I waited for the ambulance. It was hard to drink, the damage burnt my eyes gray. After praying death would find me, before I had to return to behavioral sink Middle School in Sandpoint, I was shocked, to see it had found David first. Death is not the worst thing that can happen to a person, I know it's not. It was only a flash at the end of Schindler's list. Ten boys like David blond haired and blue eyed lined up, with arms like mine, that show the vain.
After the wrong mix ions caused Gilbert Newton Lewis's death, fume hoods and de-ionized water. I remember a Rosemary Lewis, but can't figure out who she was, I see that she dies every year. the past lives on in the memories of children. I see that I have become a mother without having children and soon I will be a grandma without children. I have memories of life before my birth.
So than we bang the podium the truth it was there there in the wall over there at Lewis Hall. Than we raise our fists and say Manhattan, Mangle, Trinity than we shake our finger, Tell us the truth about the particles 3. Than we put our hands over our faces and Berkeley's on, than we wave our hands in the air to signal fire...Yelling Fire, for no apparent reason, very short attention spans.
Oh No! All the records have been burned! Than we go to Trinity Church and pray and cry.
The quire breaks out in triumphant American song...
Holly, Angle, Zoro, Line, Wheel
Holly, Angle, Zoro, Line, Wheel
We will ride the waves, ketch a fish, build a space ship, fly to heaven if you wish.
You will never forget it turn your head and you will be looking at it.
Holly, Angle, Zoro, Line, Wheel
We do not have to believe lies of the Liebig lab. We can go to space we don't have to go to war.
We are Americans, we see through ethnocentric delusions, we can work together.
We don't know what we are, we are American we are the race of the world.
Pounds fist on podium, seeing my neighbors, with my experience and education it would be negligent of me not to release this information.
Ford should not lay off 20,000 employees, but we should remember to work together to build the space ship as promised. I was thinking of a supper bowl commercial where the CEO of Ford announces, work together loudly and sings a song about the Holy, Angle, Zoro, Line Wheel.
Please help distribute this prayer information widely.
I would like to transition away from forcing people to eat the reagents from the prep. room and into designing spaceships please.
Thank You,
Mary E Ester Esther Tormey

About Justus, baron von Liebig the inventor of the Liebig labs still used by chemists today.
Resident Evil: The Final Chapter (2016)
Season 6, Episode 6
Radioactive Boy Scout, Match of the Century, Four Corners Outbreak
Lewis Hall
This banned image from resident evil, may help you identify infected neighbors in case of a zombie apocalypse. Remember don't kill them, feed them, broccoli, because "you can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant."
I need an emergency vet off price road 6/14/2017 they can follow the yellow and red dead plant path.