Medical Rape More Common And Devistating Than "Cosby" Rape

I am wrighting this as victim who has been asalted and damaged by fored drugging. I went to the hospital with a perodic table a degree in sience and the micrscope on the 17th of last month. So here I am at the mercy of doctors who will not listin to me being forced to take drugs that make me worse. I just wanted to explain that the curent Haz Mat training programs were fake, and did not teach students to reconise dangerous spills.

Can we please just agree that it is not ok to stik anything into another person without their consent, and it is not OK to ignore the food chain by dumping hazardous matterials into our enviromment?
Please check your local budget and make sure your area is not being victimzed by people selling poisons, at the expense of the food chain, the preditors that control bugs and plants, naturally no need to keep paying and spraying.

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