Response To Jail Proposal

I want to remind the people proposing this, embezzlement is becoming far more visible and the public is becoming less tolerant of scams, like the guilty until proven innocent court systems. Don't make the mistake of thinking the public won't demand accountability.
The misuse of the Green Way foundation to dump toxic waste into Portneuf river is not invisible.
The misuse of the local hospital to market defective and dangerous drugs, blatantly violating human rights is not invisible.
The misuse of the University to mislead students and market ecologically dangerous products by the mine industry is not invisible.
The misuse of the legal system to punish whistle blowers, like myself is not invisible.
The food frauds like the Might Shakes and other foods containing toxic substances to boost weight and shelf life, are not invisible Smithfield, your "Always Tender Pork" isn't 100% Pork, now is it? Food manufactures beware the public can see your names on the diluted over preserved garbage, being sold as food, it's only a matter of time before schools and hospitals start demanding safe food. Once they start noticing the burden to the healthcare system, even jails will likely reject food frauds.
The current culture of embezzlement could easily be viewed as criminal, with people developing neurological problems and dying from various preventable conditions, but really who would be innocent? Viewing victims as criminals, who must be jailed, just creates a population of non-workers, who are burdens to our already burdened society.
We have all become the victims of past ignorance, but Bannock county has no place to treat the more serious neurological and autoimmune conditions, created by generations of ignorance.
It would not be impossible to show consideration for the basic human needs of people with common neurological problems, such as sensory disorder, masochism and paralysis.
It would not be impossible to have shower heads, that don't spray in front of toilets when they are turned on.
It would not be impossible to feed people food, that is actually good enough to go bad.
It would not be impossible to limit the spraying of weed killers and herbicides into our water supply.
It would not be impossible to keep the insecticide spraying down enough, so it doesn't kill off the wild birds and other animals that control insect populations.
It would not be impossible to integrate plants and animals into facilities to teach productive behaviors.
It would not be impossible to reform embezzlers, to help ketch more embezzlers.
It would not be impossible for hospitals to help patients, instead of just serving as pushers of dangerous and/or overpriced garbage.
It would not be impossible to find someone to work at the hospital, who has enough hazardous materials training to understand when a scientist with a degree and periodic table is trying to report hazardous materials dumping, instead of just raping them with needles.
What was done to me was a crime, I never consented to treatment. I was violently raped and I yelled for help. Everyone who was there was too poorly trained, or unsure of themselves to do anything about a violent rape of an innocent person, happening right in front of them.
"What if she's innocent." It's not legal to rape criminals! What if you are guilty? With a system that punishes the innocent everyone suffers needlessly.
Wouldn't it be better for the exploiters to confess? They just went along with things, they didn't know they where hurting people. Is it really such a crime to just take the money and not ask why, when someone tells you, it's your share? If embezzlers confess before the impending investigations they can go back to their families once they prove they are not a risk to re-offend by looking over records till they find 3 new cases of embezzlement. Why not institute a snitch 3 go free policy for embezzlers? It's often more than just stealing, often stealing causes huge amounts of waste, like with food frauds that make food harder to digest or medical frauds that turn healthy people into sick people.
I wonder if the Fentanyl from China is coming in, with the lift gait belts from China, at the hospitals...
We don't need to jail our politicians and medical professionals, we can reform them and teach them to grow vegetables.
Even many of the leaders, have failed to look out for their own best interests in Bannock County. Bannock County doesn't need a jail, they need a funny farm...
Below is a link to an embezzler given probation, who will be next? Will we let them drain funding as prison leaches supporting bigger leaches or, can we teach them to eat vegetables, take responsibility and become responsible members of society on a funny farm?
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