Trump Fires HIV/AIDS Council, Over Obvious Failures and Media Wines About It

Apparently for some reason a lot of the American media has failed in tracing the AIDS epidemic back to it's sources in the pharmaceutical industry, or notice that our current "healthcare" system is actively murdering the same blacks, gays and poor people they collect money for and claim to be supporting with their greedy unethical "charity research".

The AIDS epidemic was founded on drug company greed, with people in Africa, being injected with syringes pulled from bathtubs filled with unknown liquid.

If the hate speech below is true, than it makes the crimes of the industry even more obvious, this is not an issue of too many people having unprotected sex with diseased green monkeys, but an issue of the industry actively slandering and targeting gays and people of color.

"The members of the council who resigned in June took umbrage with the current administration’s efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act, as well as its perceived stances on limiting Medicaid. In the letter published in June in Newsweek, the six council members who resigned wrote that "we know who the biggest losers will be if states are given the option of eliminating essential health benefits or allowing insurers to charge people with HIV substantially more than others..It will be people—many of them people of color—across the South and in rural and underserved areas across the country, the regions and communities now at the epicenter of the U.S. HIV/AIDS epidemic. It will be young gay and bisexual men; it will be women of color.”"

Growing up as a thin sickly victim of medical industry Munchhausen, I know being seen as "diseased" is a serous threat to a persons well being. The "healthcare" industry is still actively promoting treatments, too horrific to even test on humans. I drank water that sometimes had so much Sodium Fluoride in it, it would break glass, had an unnecessary urethral bypass surgery at 10 years old and got the vaccines to treat the autoimmune problems, caused by other vaccines. I was educated, but I can't get jobs because of audio sensitive seizures, caused by a drug, I should have had the right to refuse. If I hadn't gotten help specifically for being me, this would have been a death sentence, even after I qualified for full disability it was far below, the actual cost of meeting my basic needs as a human.

Black woman don't have to have AIDS to be victims, of AIDS hate speech, in a world where people are denied the basic right to life and forced into homelessness, just for not fitting in on job-sites. If we are going to help the victims of the AIDS epidemic, it seems shelter and food for the flowing displaced populations should come before the testing of dangerous drugs to treat a condition that many people apparently don't even notice. Some people may live up to 25 years with AIDS, but could die, from just one night of freezing temperatures, or become fatally ill, simply from poor diet or lack of acquitted housing.

I hope Donald Trump will fire any person who engages in hate speech against, the populations they claim to be helping!

"How long can a person live with HIV/AIDS?"
"One recent study used mathematical modeling to predict that some HIV positive people (perhaps 10% or more) may live up to 25 years without getting AIDS. Because HIV has only been studied since the early 1980s, we cannot say at this time how accurate this mathematical model may be. Only time and experience will answer this question."

Trump Suddenly and Summarily Fires the Remaining Members of His HIV/AIDS Advisory Council



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