America Remembers Shight Hole Ireland

Shight Hole Ireland , much like Atlantis or Sodom and Gomorrah is remembered as a place, not only shaped by it's geological significance but also by common human sin. Shite Hole's was once a peaceful valley, home only to a mischievous spirit who was said to have been left to light the way to Heaven for passing spirits after selling it's soul to the De-evolver and cheating him using the cross, so the Devil could not claim his soul. One night the people nearby wondered who was trespassing in their valley, and took a jar to see if they could ketch it. When they caught the spirit, it became invisible, so they took the jar in, set it by a candle and opened it. Than a shadow reflected on the wall. Spelling out quickly J-a-c-k-? That was when they realized, they had stepped in Jack poo. Now Americans have a special day to honor and commemorate Jack, Will of the Wisp, Methane, fart jokes and other pranks called Halloween. Life wasn't always so pleasant for the 'red head step children" of America, who were lucky to escape after the potato famine to come to America with nothing left, seeking freedom, but finding the cold reality of American bigotry and discrimination, fueled by the irrational fear of getting Typhoid from "unsanitary" Irish cooks like Mary Mollon, who was held prisoner slandered and used to market the Typhoid vaccine, and cover up the truth about biological warfare, that the best defense is genetic diversity, not ethnocentric delusions. I note Mary Mollon did not come from Ireland with Typhoid, but was latter exposed to typhoid will working for a banker and was blamed for epidemics that correlated significantly with vaccine development and marketing to the general public, she is blamed for what appears to a sanitation problem caused by poor a civil engineering, by a civil engineer motivated to cast blame and doctors motivated to market vaccines. Than the hospital where she is kept, murders her at age 69 by giving her a fatal case of pneumonia will she was under quarantine...
Much as immigrants and black people are blamed for diseases of today, by negligent medical professionals, who seem to be killing off black infants twice as quickly as white ones. Sure with the average age in Africa being only 19.5, and Doctors Without Borders, trying out chemical weapons in Shight Holes, where the population exceeds the food supply, who wouldn't want to escape and move into Daddy Warbucks mansion?

The sun will come out tomorrow, Jack will trade the carbon oxygen and water for magic beans, and climb the bean stock.

The giant will say Fe(Iron) Fi Fo Fum, beans are high in Iron, Calcium, and Magnesium good for the blood of an educated person, with a complex genetic and racial background. Be he red, white, blue, yellow, orange, brown or black fruits and vegetable are important for a healthy quarterback...

The American race is not just one race Little Orphan Annie didn't just get daddy Warbuck's money but also Jim Crow's sun resistance. If you would like to adopt your own little sun resistant adorable orphan Black Annie or Black Andy from Africa, or maybe just need to harvest some extra organs, you might ask at your local Catholic Charity

So Jack steels the gold coins,

The goose that laid the golden egg (Carbon 14)

Than the magic harp (Nitrogen), jumps over the candle stick and wisps away, thus securing room in the temperate zone to give humans room to grow, so they can diversify crops, maybe even grow up... so why are world leaders so upset that Donald Trump may have, but doesn't admit to saying "Shight Hole countries"? Not everyone uses the queens English but geographically, it seems world leaders need to understand that, poop might just roll down hill.

Sometimes you move into a nice residential neighborhood, and people think they can just sneak in and dump treated pig waste into your local water, right next to a grade school. How many times do we have to tell people, producing chemical and biological weapons with radioactive materials that Idaho is not their Shite hole? This waste is energy and should be used properly. I want to thank the horses of Arimo Idaho for cuing me, I would not know when to shake my fist and yell "Manhattan, Mangle, Trin-it-ty, tell us the truth about the particles 3" without the naysayer. I think history is trying to tell us, use chemical energy responsibly, don't waste too much by dumping it down the drain, or on the ground, keep radioactive material contained with Nobel gases, and defuse them with hydrogen reactions, the recipes for Silver and Gold or anything you want are on the periodic aren't they? Don't let neutrons float around willy nilly in the air we breath and educate children no matter who's they are, about mine waste, instead of making them drink it.
Racism and ethnocentric murder of infants, based on arbitrary skin color, often defining "minorities" as black, even if they are only 25% black and 75% white because blackness is considered a "corrupting factor". Doctors say they want Donald Trumps head examined. Can I get head examinations, for all these "healthcare professionals" still taking these statistics and acting like controlled drones working dangerous hours and not reporting murders that, must be going on right under their noses. Why should 46 kids have to die from lethal injections, before they scapegoat one nurse, who is certainly not the only one who was giving out potentially lethal injections in the 80's, will handing out propaganda blaming blacks and gays for AIDS and promoting hate speech for kids...

Than Jack or CH3 attached to a Nitrogen cross as defined by 7 protons, wisps away reminding us that, people who think the medical industry, is not promoting racist murder of people, who left over crowded Shite holes, by ignoring rampant deaths and continuing unethical biological weapons research and chemical dumping, on vulnerable populations, who have trouble getting jobs, due to slander and blame.

"We don't steal; we borrow."

Note Jack poo, released the golden Helium egg.
Below image of Geamăna, Romania, church steeple rising above Shite Hole Romania, where people no longer live, these substances contain useful chemical energy, and people dislike having them dumped over their towns and in their rivers...

Also spraying others in the face with pesticide is not appreciated, unless it's John Goodman playing a fictional villain, then it's quite funny..

So then his playful brother Jack Frost, also known as water washes him into the ground, with Carbon Dioxide (CO2), so Jack trades the Carbon the Oxygen and the water for some magic beans...
Geamăna, Romania
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"Mallon spent the rest of her life in quarantine at the Riverside Hospital. Six years before her death, she was paralyzed by a stroke. On November 11, 1938, she died of pneumonia at age 69."
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Infant Mortality Rate (Deaths per 1,000 Live Births) by Race/Ethnicity,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D
"National Vital"
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Image of giant.
Carbon-14 Dating
Understanding the Basics
by Dr. Andrew A. Snelling on October 1, 2010; last featured March 30, 2011
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