I 129 Bingo, Iodine 129 Common Problem For State Hospital South?

I noticed a strange taste in the water, I remembered the taste of the iodine filter from a back pack trip in 1994, we went to glacier park just in time to get kicked off the set of The River Wild staring Meryl Streep. We did not have a raft and I was grateful to the park ranger who planed a more appropriate trip. He seemed to wonder what my father was thinking, bring my small 14 year old self on such a adventure. As I struggled with a jabber walk I repeated, Iodine 29. I remembered reading about the nuclear waste spilled and dumped in the area so much it had become as obvious as me wondering in my ruby slippers singing holy angle Zorro line wheal last year. I was too late reporting the spill and my mother died of pancreatic cancer on my birthday this year. They told me my white blood cell count was high and I yelled at them and it was 2 whole days before I noticed, I had what appeared to be radioactive pig waste on my slippers...This is Idaho, we are all mad here...So I put a red paper crane next to a red sign Danger Chloride gas and somehow ended up going back around. My lactating breasts don't seem to be solving my strange thyroid issues. Many of us seem to need less than .05mg of LEVOTHROXINE SODIUM. Too much causes TACHYCARDIA and too little causes drugs to treat the drugs to treat the drugs. The staff may be at risk too and maybe all of Blackfoot and other surrounding areas....
Drum spills low-level sludge at INL
Radioiodine therapy
Radionuclide Basics: Iodine
Nuclear Scans
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