Zombie Food, The Food That Would Not Die

Seems as far back as anyone can remember cheap products have been mixed in with more expensive products to cheat customers for profits. Making cheap products look like more expensive products, is a huge industry. The more expensive products they can replace with junk, the more money they could make. In China they discovered by mixing in a toxic protein called Melamine into food they could cover up milk being watered down, or cellulose being added to wheat,corn soy, milk and meat proteins, for the purpose of increasing weight. These foods fooled tests, but killed pets and babies leading to recalls. Zombie food often sells for 93 cents on the dollar and may never go bad, if stored under the right conditions. These are not the only dangerous products vitamins and spices also, may be diluted for profit or storage, new test cheaters like vitamins pose a high risk to children and other people on limited diets.
Products such as vitamins, pills and spices are often poisoned, because they sell for high prices and are taken in very low doses making poisons less noticeable. People who get sick from "MSG", "Gluten" or "lactose" often find they can consume safe versions in additive free products, such as fresh milk tomatoes or whole wheat.
Vitamin A palpitate won't make low fat milk, into whole milk and it's dangerous to assume kids can get enough vitamins from unknown powders and liquids.
The problem is being treated by the drug industry, increasing problems with impaired immunity and spreading disease. We don't have "autoimmune disorders" our bodies are getting rid of real pathogens in very uncomfortable ways. We need an organised plan to get this stuff off the market. Cutting off heads of perpetrators has not made these products disappear, new perpetrators buy up corn, wheat, soy, vitamins, meat, milk and other products thinking they are real. The Obama administration seems to have reduced the problem with corn making people sick, by buying up corn to put in gas...Now cars are getting sick.
When it comes to China I think Americans should be honest. We love "stolen ideas" and low prices, but we are sick of paying for misrepresented garbage. I think we need a world wide effort to clean up the mess. Taxing China won't help much, because the US market is saturated with these products, and they are purchased cheaply enough to out compete with real food. We need a world wide collection program. Instead of handing this stuff out, in situations where people have no choice, but to eat it, we should make use of our waterways to grow food, that can be sailed alive and harvested at ports, where it is needed, bringing harvest jobs for those in need.
I think Trump should lift tariffs on quality products, such as shoes and coats with good stitching and strong leather, and just ban outright products like bed sheets that look real in the package, but turn out to be paper, and any other product that falls apart before you can use it. We should eat and sell American food here in American. It seems other countries have been undercutting our products with zombie versions, that are filled with solutions and powders. There is no excuse to use vague labeling, if they don't know what a substance is, we can't assume it's food. The periodic table is over a hundred years old and so is Calculus. We should publicly publish the information people need and stop pretending to hold patents on ideas, so old they are represented in art history. Lets work with countries world wide to produce the best food islands. China does not need to be punished, but they could use the room, quality food islands could provide. 70% of the Earth is covered by water, with so much wind and solar power, it becomes destructive, this time of year. The Ocean is largely uninhabited and most countries could use more room. Also, offering year round camping, food and free power, could entice homeless people. Farms on the Oceans could sail around to get the best light and merge cultures to produce people with a better understanding and more control of their environments. We already have an international space station, it would not hurt to prepare workers to work together before they come into such a dangerous situation.
We should not respect patents on treatments for poison related sickness, any more than companies respected victims, who suffered for years with food related problems, slander and lies. It seems they are suppressing the immune systems of victims, rather than offering poison free products.
It won't be easy but, nothing is easy when you are vomiting pooping or flushing toxins from your skin after almost every meal, or have your immune system so suppressed you ketch anything going around.
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