Lori Loughlin, isn't the Biggest Cheater in the College Game

Oh, where do I start here, so many big lairs using big Universities to market products, politicians and racist bull pony poop. So many people convinced, they need corn starch pills to survive, by doctors from big name Universities. So many people convinced their child needs, an expensive school their freshmen year, even though the cheaper Jr. colleges are there to help students, closer to home, for a fraction of the cost.
Why not let a Jr. college, build your children's resume up, so they can have the crew team and the high SAT scores for real? Why bother to compete with students, who already did better than you or who always cheat? We don't send middle school students to high school, unless they have the skills to function there.
So why is USC so expensive and exclusive? I note the class sizes are small and the research is extremely interesting. NIH or National Institutes of Health is a fake 501c3, that launders money to insure studies have positive results. Wow, that is cool, they don't have to go to class, plus they have marketers to do their homework for them. Who wouldn't want to have a high paying pharmaceutical company job, with a ghostwriter to do the work?
The pay to play University system, selects for the most dishonest students, by passing money around the embezzlement ring, they can insure, support for overpriced healthcare products. It's OK to cheat, "go on take your money and run." start your own company, huge numbers of subsidiaries are a great way for big companies to spread money around and hide profits from those pesky tax collectors and complaining victims.
It's OK to buy expensive clothing Mossimo Giannulli, used his connections to start a successful clothing business. With people convinced they need corn starch pills, that cost more than rent, price is no object, for marketers and looking good is a very important part of the job.
Lori Loughlin is an actress on Fuller House, and much like her husband, is reaping huge rewards of illegal activity by taking money from criminals without question, instead of engaging in illeagle activity herself.
It seems USC really found what they were looking for. Both good looking, well dressed and recreation focused girls, who unlikely, to ever really understand, what the products they are selling actually are.
It's time America recognized the problem with pills, that are mostly corn starch, being sold for high prices. We need to be realistic if people do need these pills, those pills can be produced, for almost nothing. Look at Lori Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli, they are dripping with money, from pill companies, and they get in trouble, just because, they brought some money, to wealthy liars, who took it?
Aren't the children the real victims here? This could be embarrassing, for them at school, and they are so young. Sometimes pharmaceutical representatives, grow up and get smart, enough to understand, what they have done. Maybe they will be lucky, to just get out of this scam, while they still can?
Trump won't be able to fix healthcare, until Americans get real about what healthcare really is.
Mossimo Giannulli Bio, Net Worth, Wife – Lori Loughlin, Daughters And Son
The Alzheimer Disease Research Center at USC is supported by the National Institutes of Health to conduct research on memory problems and aging.
Lori Loughlin's husband Mossimo Giannulli never enrolled in USC, took parents' tuition cash
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