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You just clumped my blogs together, without asking permission, and no you don't have permission to make MY History From the Prospective of Another American Idiot the only door to my free speech. Please open up the Science is a Process not a Deity blog or tell me how to open it. Science is a Process Not a Deity, is specifically for people who haven't filled their brains with certain mind altering garbage. Why not introduce GEM and the Cone Heads, before irritating adults with Mortal Kombat and Violent J, KISS? KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID...before we get a culture where everyone wants to "rock and roll all night and party everyday. Thank You, and please get feedback before changing artwork save time, rather then assuming my work knows if it's coming or going.
Don't spring clean my free speech, please wait for me to finish making this mess before you pick it up Holly GORO shit BATman!!!
It’s spring cleaning time for Blogger!topic%2Fblogger%2FWuem4GoXYXo
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