Hate Groups and Fundraisers, A Normal Mass Killing Part 2.
It appears unethical research and fund raising at college campuses is the primary cause of mass killings. Basically "pay to play" charities giving handouts to corporations for donations. For example where they are selling camera's to schools for well above FOB value at the expense of charity and government organizations.
Shootings correlating to charity. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8,9, 10, 11,13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19 20
Shootings correlating to research. 1, 2 (in same area) 3,5, 6, 9(Possibly),11,14, 16, 17, 18, 20
Rockefeller ownership or large donations. 1, 2(not yet proven)3, 5, 6, 7(not yet proven)8 9(Possibly) 10(Possibly)11,13,14, 15, 17, 18,20
Used to collect money for charity. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20
Ethnocentric Delusion 4,9,12, 15, 19
I want to take a closer look at these mass killings near where research is being conducted. I want to see if they are linked to research.
1 April 16, 2007, Seung-Hui Cho, Virginia Tech, Less than 5 miles.
2 Feb. 12, 2007, Sulejman Talović, Trolley Square Less than 5 miles.
3 Dec. 5, 2007, Robert Hawkins, Westroads Mall, Omaha, Neb Less than 10 miles.
4 Feb. 7, 2008, Charles Lee "Cookie" Thornton, 52 Kirkwood City Council, Kirkwood, Missouri Less than 15 miles.
5 Feb. 14, 2008, Steven Kazmierczak, Northern Illinois University Less than 5 miles.
6 Nov. 5, 2009, Nidal Hasan, Fort Hood, Texas Less than 5 miles.
7 Aug. 3, 2010, Omar Thornton, Hartford Distributors Manchester, Connecticut Less than 25 miles
8 Jan. 8, 2011, Jared Lee Loughner, Tucson Arizona, Less than 10 miles.
9 July 22, 2011, Anders Behring Breivik, Norway Less than 25 miles
10 Oct. 14, 2011, Scott Evans Dekraai, Seal Beach shooting, Less than 10 miles.
11 April 2, 2012, One L. Goh, Oikos University Less than 5 miles.
12 April 6, 2012, Jacob C. England, 19, and Alvin L. Watts, 32 Tulsa, Oklahoma, less than 5 miles
13 May 29, 2012, Ian L. Stawicki, 40, Cafe Racer at 5828 Roosevelt Way NE less than 5 miles
14 July 20, 2012, James Holmes, 24,Century 16 multiplex in Aurora, less than 5 miles
15 Aug. 5, 2012, Wade Michael Page, 40, Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin Less than 20 miles
16 December, 14 2012, Adam Lanza ,20, Sandy Hook, Less than 15 miles
17 April 15, 2013, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, Boston Marathon, less than 5 miles
18 April 2, 2014, Ivan Lopes, Fort Hood, Texas, less than 5 miles
19 April 15, 2014, Glenn Miller, outside the Jewish Community Center of Greater Kansas City,less than 5 miles
20 May 23, 2014 Elliot Rodger, University of California, Santa Barbara less than 5 miles
12 killings within 5 miles of oxytocin research. 1,2,5,6,11,12,13,14,17,18,19 20
3 killings within 10 miles of oxytocin research. 3,8,10
2 killings within 15 miles of oxytocin research. 4, 16
1 killings within 20 miles of oxytocin research. 15
2 killings within 25 miles of oxytocin research. 7, 9
1 April 16, 2007, Seung-Hui Cho, Virginia Tech Less than 5 miles. The people killed were students at a University conducting research. Students at the University, raised money for the hate group Autism Speaks and did research to benefit the group. Seung-Hui Cho sent his video to NBC, a well known promoter of the Autism Speaks. The hate group used mainstream TV to imply the shooter was Autistic. In my opinion this is not just a made up appeal to fear but a group of people who died trying to prevent corporate charities from taking money away from the needy.
"To fund the fellowship program, the Rockefeller Foundation donated $2.5 million to HUD to manage and implement the fellowship program. The GMF partnership was the winning proposal and will be responsible for implementing and administering the fellowship program."
2 Feb. 12, 2007, Sulejman Talović, Trolley Square Less than 5 miles. The gunman, killed 5 people at a shopping mall where the hate group Autism Speaks is known to raise money at a store where they did fundraisers. "Circle The Wagons" a new charity was started after the shooting.
"The attack ended when the police shot and killed Mr. Talovic after he refused to surrender his 12-gauge shotgun." "the family knew him as a shy and generous boy." Are they killing off witnesses, or trying to sell guns cameras and prescription drugs?
3 Dec. 5, 2007, Robert Hawkins, Westroads Mall, Omaha, Neb Less than 10 miles. The gunman, killed 5 people at a shopping mall where the hate group Autism Speaks is known to raise money. It appears CNN did a story about a child with Autism called "Young Wonder" during the shooting.
CNN transcript of live shooting story. This looks like they purchased a marketing block before the shooting.
Victims where treated at University Medical center.
4 Feb. 7, 2008, Charles Lee "Cookie" Thornton, 52 Kirkwood City Council, Kirkwood, Missouri Less than 15 miles. Thornton was active in a number of civic and charitable organizations in Kirkwood, but the motive for the shooting is known and it does not appear closely related to research. However Cookie was likely exposed to hate speech against black people, he wouldn't "pay to play" and could not get what he wanted. Live by the money die by the money, people who don't get what they feel entitled to may use guns to get it.
5 Feb. 14, 2008, Steven Kazmierczak, Northern Illinois University Less than 5 miles. "A 27-year-old former sociology student at Northern Illinois University, opened fire on students in a lecture hall before turning the gun on himself on Feb. 14, 2008.""NIU President John G. Peters said that he had "a very good academic record, no record of trouble." Kazmierczak was Vice-President of the NIU chapter of the American Correctional Association; he had also written about the U.S. correctional system, specifically prisons."
Here is a memorial used to collect money for victims
They seem to be the sorts of people who would expose the fraud going on.
6 Nov. 5, 2009, Nidal Hasan, Fort Hood, Texas Less than 5 miles. "An Army psychiatrist facing deployment to one of America’s war zones killed 13 people and wounded 30 others on Thursday in a shooting rampage with two handguns at the sprawling Fort Hood Army post in central Texas, military officials said."
An Army psychiatrist would be a likely person to find out about this, and this is at fort hood 13 people are they linked to the research?
Note there was another shooting since this one. Ivan Lopez, Fort Hood April 2, 2014, note April 2nd is one of the biggest fund raising days of the year.
7 Aug. 3, 2010, Omar Thornton, Hartford Distributors Manchester, Connecticut Less than 25 miles
Apparently the company is supporting the military
"Texas Roadhouse in Manchester is holding a special fundraiser for the families of the eight victims killed on Friday, Aug. 20."
At Company, a Culture of Family and Charity
More about the charity
Facebook page set up day of shooting.
I find it rather unlikely that drunk could take 9 people, will being escorted out by security, I think there is more to the story..
8 Jan. 8, 2011, Jared Lee Loughner, Tucson Arizona, Less than 10 miles."He described his school as "one of the biggest scams in America". The video led to Loughner being suspended from the school."
On June 26, 2011, Judge Burns ruled that prison doctors could forcibly medicate Loughner with antipsychotic drugs in order to make him fit to stand trial. However, on July 12, 2011, a three-judge federal appeals panel from the Ninth Circuit ruled that Loughner could refuse anti-psychotic medication, since he "has not been convicted of a crime, is presumptively innocent and is therefore entitled to greater constitutional protections than a convicted inmate." However, the ruling stated that it "does not preclude prison authorities from taking other measures to maintain the safety of prison personnel, other inmates and Loughner himself, including forced administration of tranquilizers". In other words he was tortured with drug until he plead guilty.
"Shot in the head" marketing for TBI research.
9 July 22, 2011, Anders Behring Breivik, Norway Less than 25 miles "A lone political extremist bombed the government center here on Friday, killing 7 people, the police said, before heading to an island summer camp for young members of the governing Labor Party and killing at least 80 people."

He appears to be a trained Nazi soldier.
10 Oct. 14, 2011, Scott Evans Dekraai, Seal Beach shooting, Less than 10 miles.
"A fund set up to aid victims of the shooting raised around $400,000.[17] A remodeled Salon Meritage reopened under the same name on November 18, 2012.[18]" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Seal_Beach_shooting
cross-promotion with Autism Speaks
11 April 2, 2012, One L. Goh, Oikos University Less than 5 miles.
"One L. Goh was not a random gunman, police have said. He is a former student at Oikos, and he was allegedly seeking a specific female administrator when he walked into the school Monday morning. "
"5. He has connections to another infamous school shooting: Though the Oikos University shootings left far less people dead than the Virginia Tech massacre on April 16, 2007, One L. Goh has some connections to that dark day. Seung-Hui Cho, who killed 32 people and wounded many others at the Blacksburg, Va., campus, was also a Korean national, and he had major grievances against his school. Furthermore, Goh previously lived in the Commonwealth of Virginia, where he was once evicted from an apartment building before he moved to California."
12 April 6, 2012, Jacob C. England, 19, and Alvin L. Watts, 32 Tulsa, Oklahoma, less than 5 miles. Will this is close to the research I see little evidence of a relationship to the research beyond the fact both men seem to be under an ethnocentric delusion. Notice it took 2 people to kill just 3 people.
13 May 29, 2012, Ian L. Stawicki, 40, Cafe Racer at 5828 Roosevelt Way NE less than 5 miles. The alleged shooter frequented a cafe in the University district.
They had fundraiser to raise money for victims families shortly after the shooting.
14 July 20, 2012, James Holmes, 24,Century 16 multiplex in Aurora, less than 5 miles
A neuroscience student at University of Colorado called a Dr.Lynne Fenton who worked on oxytocin research 9 times before shooting.
She was even sued by victims families.
15 Aug. 5, 2012, Wade Michael Page, 40, Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin Less than 20 miles
link to shooting
link to fundraiser
"In 2012, Oak Creek, WI was rocked by hate after a white supremacist killed six worshippers at the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin. In the year following the attack, the mayor and police chief led the community, as they developed new bonds with their Sikh neighbors."
16 December, 14 2012, Adam Lanza ,20, Sandy Hook, Less than 15 miles. Former University of Connecticut student shoots Autism Speaks Volunteers including an ABA therapist. The charity was raising money for this research and Adam as well as 2 of the children had the condition being researched...
17 April 15, 2013, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, Boston Marathon, less than 5 miles. A student from a University where Rockefeller made huge donations is accused of bombing the event. The event was used to promote multiple charities as well as prosthetic limbs.
18 April 2, 2014, Ivan Lopes, Fort Hood, Texas, less than 5 miles
Yes Fort Hood again...
19 April 15, 2014, Glenn Miller, outside the Jewish Community Center of Greater Kansas City,less than 5 miles
On tax day even.
20 May 23, 2014 Elliot Rodger, University of California, Santa Barbara less than 5 miles. Former University of California student is accused of killing 7, including 2 from a Alpha Phi sorority house, that was raising money for Autism Speaks...
Claim Rockefeller was working with the department of defense to create "immune system ravaging viruses for germ warfare."
Study showing oxytocin may increase ethnocentric delusion.
Obviously oxytocin by itself is safe, but what happens when you bring in a false reality where normal people are monsters simply because of religion, skin color, or disability? I see a huge problem with people confusing hate speech with science. This has lead to an accumulation of hate speech at Universities. Fear driven research, and fund raising has lead to huge amounts hateful garbage being passed off as science.
"A hate group is an organized group or movement that advocates and practices hatred, hostility, or violence towards members of a race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation or any other designated sector of society. According to the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), a hate group's "primary purpose is to promote animosity, hostility, and malice against persons belonging to a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or ethnicity/national origin which differs from that of the members of the organization."[1] The Southern Poverty Law Center's (SPLC) definition of a "hate group" includes those having beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people, typically for their immutable characteristics.[2]"
This simple experiment may explain why researchers are more likely to report danger or need for actions and treatments. They get paid more.
"Two pigeons were taught to use symbols to communicate information about hidden colors to each other. When reporting red was more generously reinforced than reporting yellow or green, both birds passed through a period in which they “lied” by reporting another color as red."
Regular TV promotes hate with the simple suggestion that a killer might have a mental illness. Hired people play out stories with imagined conflicts. On 3 occasions black males have done publicity stunts where they implied that Autism was the "new r word" so they could be told off by Holly Robinson Peete.
Examples of hate speech used to market Autism Speaks, note how black men all on the same music label are being used.
Movie starring Holly Robinson Peete where Autism is used in place of R-word http://www.autismkey.com/21-jump-street-movie-ignites-autism-controversy/
link to 50 cent being told off by Holly Robinson Peete.
link to J. Cole being told off by Holly Robinson Peete.
Link to part 1
Shootings correlating to charity. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8,9, 10, 11,13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19 20
Shootings correlating to research. 1, 2 (in same area) 3,5, 6, 9(Possibly),11,14, 16, 17, 18, 20
Rockefeller ownership or large donations. 1, 2(not yet proven)3, 5, 6, 7(not yet proven)8 9(Possibly) 10(Possibly)11,13,14, 15, 17, 18,20
Used to collect money for charity. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20
Ethnocentric Delusion 4,9,12, 15, 19
I want to take a closer look at these mass killings near where research is being conducted. I want to see if they are linked to research.
1 April 16, 2007, Seung-Hui Cho, Virginia Tech, Less than 5 miles.
2 Feb. 12, 2007, Sulejman Talović, Trolley Square Less than 5 miles.
3 Dec. 5, 2007, Robert Hawkins, Westroads Mall, Omaha, Neb Less than 10 miles.
4 Feb. 7, 2008, Charles Lee "Cookie" Thornton, 52 Kirkwood City Council, Kirkwood, Missouri Less than 15 miles.
5 Feb. 14, 2008, Steven Kazmierczak, Northern Illinois University Less than 5 miles.
6 Nov. 5, 2009, Nidal Hasan, Fort Hood, Texas Less than 5 miles.
7 Aug. 3, 2010, Omar Thornton, Hartford Distributors Manchester, Connecticut Less than 25 miles
8 Jan. 8, 2011, Jared Lee Loughner, Tucson Arizona, Less than 10 miles.
9 July 22, 2011, Anders Behring Breivik, Norway Less than 25 miles
10 Oct. 14, 2011, Scott Evans Dekraai, Seal Beach shooting, Less than 10 miles.
11 April 2, 2012, One L. Goh, Oikos University Less than 5 miles.
12 April 6, 2012, Jacob C. England, 19, and Alvin L. Watts, 32 Tulsa, Oklahoma, less than 5 miles
13 May 29, 2012, Ian L. Stawicki, 40, Cafe Racer at 5828 Roosevelt Way NE less than 5 miles
14 July 20, 2012, James Holmes, 24,Century 16 multiplex in Aurora, less than 5 miles
15 Aug. 5, 2012, Wade Michael Page, 40, Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin Less than 20 miles
16 December, 14 2012, Adam Lanza ,20, Sandy Hook, Less than 15 miles
17 April 15, 2013, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, Boston Marathon, less than 5 miles
18 April 2, 2014, Ivan Lopes, Fort Hood, Texas, less than 5 miles
19 April 15, 2014, Glenn Miller, outside the Jewish Community Center of Greater Kansas City,less than 5 miles
20 May 23, 2014 Elliot Rodger, University of California, Santa Barbara less than 5 miles
12 killings within 5 miles of oxytocin research. 1,2,5,6,11,12,13,14,17,18,19 20
3 killings within 10 miles of oxytocin research. 3,8,10
2 killings within 15 miles of oxytocin research. 4, 16
1 killings within 20 miles of oxytocin research. 15
2 killings within 25 miles of oxytocin research. 7, 9
1 April 16, 2007, Seung-Hui Cho, Virginia Tech Less than 5 miles. The people killed were students at a University conducting research. Students at the University, raised money for the hate group Autism Speaks and did research to benefit the group. Seung-Hui Cho sent his video to NBC, a well known promoter of the Autism Speaks. The hate group used mainstream TV to imply the shooter was Autistic. In my opinion this is not just a made up appeal to fear but a group of people who died trying to prevent corporate charities from taking money away from the needy.
"To fund the fellowship program, the Rockefeller Foundation donated $2.5 million to HUD to manage and implement the fellowship program. The GMF partnership was the winning proposal and will be responsible for implementing and administering the fellowship program."
2 Feb. 12, 2007, Sulejman Talović, Trolley Square Less than 5 miles. The gunman, killed 5 people at a shopping mall where the hate group Autism Speaks is known to raise money at a store where they did fundraisers. "Circle The Wagons" a new charity was started after the shooting.
"The attack ended when the police shot and killed Mr. Talovic after he refused to surrender his 12-gauge shotgun." "the family knew him as a shy and generous boy." Are they killing off witnesses, or trying to sell guns cameras and prescription drugs?
3 Dec. 5, 2007, Robert Hawkins, Westroads Mall, Omaha, Neb Less than 10 miles. The gunman, killed 5 people at a shopping mall where the hate group Autism Speaks is known to raise money. It appears CNN did a story about a child with Autism called "Young Wonder" during the shooting.
CNN transcript of live shooting story. This looks like they purchased a marketing block before the shooting.
Victims where treated at University Medical center.
4 Feb. 7, 2008, Charles Lee "Cookie" Thornton, 52 Kirkwood City Council, Kirkwood, Missouri Less than 15 miles. Thornton was active in a number of civic and charitable organizations in Kirkwood, but the motive for the shooting is known and it does not appear closely related to research. However Cookie was likely exposed to hate speech against black people, he wouldn't "pay to play" and could not get what he wanted. Live by the money die by the money, people who don't get what they feel entitled to may use guns to get it.
5 Feb. 14, 2008, Steven Kazmierczak, Northern Illinois University Less than 5 miles. "A 27-year-old former sociology student at Northern Illinois University, opened fire on students in a lecture hall before turning the gun on himself on Feb. 14, 2008.""NIU President John G. Peters said that he had "a very good academic record, no record of trouble." Kazmierczak was Vice-President of the NIU chapter of the American Correctional Association; he had also written about the U.S. correctional system, specifically prisons."
Here is a memorial used to collect money for victims
They seem to be the sorts of people who would expose the fraud going on.
6 Nov. 5, 2009, Nidal Hasan, Fort Hood, Texas Less than 5 miles. "An Army psychiatrist facing deployment to one of America’s war zones killed 13 people and wounded 30 others on Thursday in a shooting rampage with two handguns at the sprawling Fort Hood Army post in central Texas, military officials said."
An Army psychiatrist would be a likely person to find out about this, and this is at fort hood 13 people are they linked to the research?
Note there was another shooting since this one. Ivan Lopez, Fort Hood April 2, 2014, note April 2nd is one of the biggest fund raising days of the year.
7 Aug. 3, 2010, Omar Thornton, Hartford Distributors Manchester, Connecticut Less than 25 miles
Apparently the company is supporting the military
"Texas Roadhouse in Manchester is holding a special fundraiser for the families of the eight victims killed on Friday, Aug. 20."
At Company, a Culture of Family and Charity
More about the charity
Facebook page set up day of shooting.
I find it rather unlikely that drunk could take 9 people, will being escorted out by security, I think there is more to the story..
8 Jan. 8, 2011, Jared Lee Loughner, Tucson Arizona, Less than 10 miles."He described his school as "one of the biggest scams in America". The video led to Loughner being suspended from the school."
On June 26, 2011, Judge Burns ruled that prison doctors could forcibly medicate Loughner with antipsychotic drugs in order to make him fit to stand trial. However, on July 12, 2011, a three-judge federal appeals panel from the Ninth Circuit ruled that Loughner could refuse anti-psychotic medication, since he "has not been convicted of a crime, is presumptively innocent and is therefore entitled to greater constitutional protections than a convicted inmate." However, the ruling stated that it "does not preclude prison authorities from taking other measures to maintain the safety of prison personnel, other inmates and Loughner himself, including forced administration of tranquilizers". In other words he was tortured with drug until he plead guilty.
"Shot in the head" marketing for TBI research.
9 July 22, 2011, Anders Behring Breivik, Norway Less than 25 miles "A lone political extremist bombed the government center here on Friday, killing 7 people, the police said, before heading to an island summer camp for young members of the governing Labor Party and killing at least 80 people."
He appears to be a trained Nazi soldier.
10 Oct. 14, 2011, Scott Evans Dekraai, Seal Beach shooting, Less than 10 miles.
"A fund set up to aid victims of the shooting raised around $400,000.[17] A remodeled Salon Meritage reopened under the same name on November 18, 2012.[18]" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Seal_Beach_shooting
cross-promotion with Autism Speaks
11 April 2, 2012, One L. Goh, Oikos University Less than 5 miles.
"One L. Goh was not a random gunman, police have said. He is a former student at Oikos, and he was allegedly seeking a specific female administrator when he walked into the school Monday morning. "
"5. He has connections to another infamous school shooting: Though the Oikos University shootings left far less people dead than the Virginia Tech massacre on April 16, 2007, One L. Goh has some connections to that dark day. Seung-Hui Cho, who killed 32 people and wounded many others at the Blacksburg, Va., campus, was also a Korean national, and he had major grievances against his school. Furthermore, Goh previously lived in the Commonwealth of Virginia, where he was once evicted from an apartment building before he moved to California."
12 April 6, 2012, Jacob C. England, 19, and Alvin L. Watts, 32 Tulsa, Oklahoma, less than 5 miles. Will this is close to the research I see little evidence of a relationship to the research beyond the fact both men seem to be under an ethnocentric delusion. Notice it took 2 people to kill just 3 people.
13 May 29, 2012, Ian L. Stawicki, 40, Cafe Racer at 5828 Roosevelt Way NE less than 5 miles. The alleged shooter frequented a cafe in the University district.
They had fundraiser to raise money for victims families shortly after the shooting.
14 July 20, 2012, James Holmes, 24,Century 16 multiplex in Aurora, less than 5 miles
A neuroscience student at University of Colorado called a Dr.Lynne Fenton who worked on oxytocin research 9 times before shooting.
She was even sued by victims families.
15 Aug. 5, 2012, Wade Michael Page, 40, Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin Less than 20 miles
link to shooting
link to fundraiser
"In 2012, Oak Creek, WI was rocked by hate after a white supremacist killed six worshippers at the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin. In the year following the attack, the mayor and police chief led the community, as they developed new bonds with their Sikh neighbors."
16 December, 14 2012, Adam Lanza ,20, Sandy Hook, Less than 15 miles. Former University of Connecticut student shoots Autism Speaks Volunteers including an ABA therapist. The charity was raising money for this research and Adam as well as 2 of the children had the condition being researched...
17 April 15, 2013, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, Boston Marathon, less than 5 miles. A student from a University where Rockefeller made huge donations is accused of bombing the event. The event was used to promote multiple charities as well as prosthetic limbs.
18 April 2, 2014, Ivan Lopes, Fort Hood, Texas, less than 5 miles
Yes Fort Hood again...
19 April 15, 2014, Glenn Miller, outside the Jewish Community Center of Greater Kansas City,less than 5 miles
On tax day even.
20 May 23, 2014 Elliot Rodger, University of California, Santa Barbara less than 5 miles. Former University of California student is accused of killing 7, including 2 from a Alpha Phi sorority house, that was raising money for Autism Speaks...
Claim Rockefeller was working with the department of defense to create "immune system ravaging viruses for germ warfare."
Study showing oxytocin may increase ethnocentric delusion.
Obviously oxytocin by itself is safe, but what happens when you bring in a false reality where normal people are monsters simply because of religion, skin color, or disability? I see a huge problem with people confusing hate speech with science. This has lead to an accumulation of hate speech at Universities. Fear driven research, and fund raising has lead to huge amounts hateful garbage being passed off as science.
"A hate group is an organized group or movement that advocates and practices hatred, hostility, or violence towards members of a race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation or any other designated sector of society. According to the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), a hate group's "primary purpose is to promote animosity, hostility, and malice against persons belonging to a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or ethnicity/national origin which differs from that of the members of the organization."[1] The Southern Poverty Law Center's (SPLC) definition of a "hate group" includes those having beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people, typically for their immutable characteristics.[2]"
This simple experiment may explain why researchers are more likely to report danger or need for actions and treatments. They get paid more.
"Two pigeons were taught to use symbols to communicate information about hidden colors to each other. When reporting red was more generously reinforced than reporting yellow or green, both birds passed through a period in which they “lied” by reporting another color as red."
Regular TV promotes hate with the simple suggestion that a killer might have a mental illness. Hired people play out stories with imagined conflicts. On 3 occasions black males have done publicity stunts where they implied that Autism was the "new r word" so they could be told off by Holly Robinson Peete.
Examples of hate speech used to market Autism Speaks, note how black men all on the same music label are being used.
Movie starring Holly Robinson Peete where Autism is used in place of R-word http://www.autismkey.com/21-jump-street-movie-ignites-autism-controversy/
link to 50 cent being told off by Holly Robinson Peete.
link to J. Cole being told off by Holly Robinson Peete.
Link to part 1
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