Health and Welfare Cuts off Food Stamps to Person They Paid Over $40,000 to Disable

The food stamp re-application program is cruel punishment for a person who has already proven their innocence. For the past 8 years I have been forced into cruel dehumanising reapplication processes that DOSE NOT PROVIDE ME WITH ADEQUATE FOOD STAMPS TO COVER MY EXPENSES.

I am not really even gaining anything by applying it trigger horrible crying and seizures. I have more education than the person on the phone why do they get to eat at my expense will, I go without?

Why should a person who is "gravely disabled" be responsible to apply for foodstamps? I didn't have to apply for the abuse that caused me to need food stamps. Who isn't gravely disabled after being starved for 2 months? I know Health and Welfare paid over $40,000, they sent me a bill! What the heck costed $40,000? Where they conducting an unethical experiment or trying to keep me from ending up dead like the doctor who was making up my allergy vaccine.

I don't care who's guilty but this is fraud and fiduciary abuse! Disabled people should be fed not demeaned at the expense of disability programs. I thank GOD my parents, and the many many good samaritans that have to contribute to my survival and ask yet again that the money be moved from the making disabled people programs into helping dissabled people programs.

Just in case you are wondering I am referring to me, Mary E Ester Esther Tormey.


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