Mary Asks Trump to Fear, Fear, Not People
The US Travel ban seems silly today, because now we know humans are very much like other humans. Terrorism is just an act of confusion and fear. It is time now after over 2000 years of recorded existence of Mary, to recognize our common ancestry as descendants of Mary. As Mary I am able to recognize all human beings as decedents of Mary, with the same rights given by the absolute group of daughters, also know as God.
I am sure you have noticed fear has been well funded, and misrepresented as research. Remembering so many silly things Mary's children have been so gullible to believe,
They once believed skin color was more than an environmental adaption,
They once believed injections and anal rape were somehow necessary medical procedures for healthy people,
They once believed that proving "minority" groups to be somehow inferior, and wasting money for them somehow "empowered" them.
They once believed that germs caused disease, instead of deficient environmental needs,
They once believed that building ugly infrastructure to support waste, was more important than creating, space suitable for people.
They once believed nuclear power was a good solution to global warming,
They once believed storing living things instead of creating suitable environments for them, was a good way to make money.
They once believed people should adapt to consume product, instead of products being adapted to being consumed by people.
In a world where it is illegal to make a profit without wasting money,
Where women have abortions, because they are afraid of babies,
Where they force kids to take drugs at the same place where they teach them to fear drugs,
All Mary's children are perfect no matter how imperfect they are, and innocent no what they have done.
Systems need to be corrected.
Mary's children deserve to directly control how funding for them is spent in the most direct way possible. Nothing should impair that.
Taxes, Usury and forced purchases are creating fear and hardship, for Mary's children.
Recognize our need to create convergence for the parachute children how have launched faithfully as dandelions in the wind, let their travels go unmolested, into the next place. What is below us is limited, but what is above us is infinite.
Let our combined knowledge find convergence in learning what we can do for ourselves by recognizing ourselves as people.
Thank You
Mary E. Ester Esther Tormey

I am sure you have noticed fear has been well funded, and misrepresented as research. Remembering so many silly things Mary's children have been so gullible to believe,
They once believed skin color was more than an environmental adaption,
They once believed injections and anal rape were somehow necessary medical procedures for healthy people,
They once believed that proving "minority" groups to be somehow inferior, and wasting money for them somehow "empowered" them.
They once believed that germs caused disease, instead of deficient environmental needs,
They once believed that building ugly infrastructure to support waste, was more important than creating, space suitable for people.
They once believed nuclear power was a good solution to global warming,
They once believed storing living things instead of creating suitable environments for them, was a good way to make money.
They once believed people should adapt to consume product, instead of products being adapted to being consumed by people.
In a world where it is illegal to make a profit without wasting money,
Where women have abortions, because they are afraid of babies,
Where they force kids to take drugs at the same place where they teach them to fear drugs,
All Mary's children are perfect no matter how imperfect they are, and innocent no what they have done.
Systems need to be corrected.
Mary's children deserve to directly control how funding for them is spent in the most direct way possible. Nothing should impair that.
Taxes, Usury and forced purchases are creating fear and hardship, for Mary's children.
Recognize our need to create convergence for the parachute children how have launched faithfully as dandelions in the wind, let their travels go unmolested, into the next place. What is below us is limited, but what is above us is infinite.
Let our combined knowledge find convergence in learning what we can do for ourselves by recognizing ourselves as people.
Thank You
Mary E. Ester Esther Tormey
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