"Healthcare" Industry Still Not Paying Veterans Back for Frauds

Our military doesn't take just anyone, they test new recruits to insure they are both mentally and physically fit. There really just isn't any reason, why these people shouldn't have full control of their own funding, and purchasing decisions in the first place. "Healthcare" scammers have already stolen money to market products veterans often just don't want. For example colon cancer, screening with unsanitary instruments. "Mental Healthcare" or PTSD treatments that cause death, neurological damage or delusions. (Veteran's PTSD delusions may include active combat, that is not socially acceptable for people, who are not in an actual war.) Or even job scams marketing them as discount employees, for jobs that often won't even pay enough, to give them the basic dignity of living above the poverty line.
These "services" may require long waits and veterans have been known to die, before they find their way to the bottom of wait lists.
I do not think this is a case of failure to fund "healthcare" for Veterans, but a case of the "healthcare" industry fraudulently taking money for services, they never provided, or that were useless or dangerous, and using it to market defective products to veterans, who's money was already taken illegally, before they even got to look at it.
According to Steve Buyer "Our nation has kept faith with its veterans. Funding for veterans healthcare and benefits is strong, and has increased more than 75 percent in the last decade."
To understand what happened we need to go back further...
"Maxwell Edison, majoring in medicine, Calls her on the phone" I think I've found the 26 neutrons and we are all going to die...

When we didn't all die it was as if, God had revealed itself for those who could see it. The waves of energy had left Earth with Nobel gasses as Auroras to find their new lives in Helping Everyone Arrange Vital Electrons and Neutrons. Not only had we been spared, but also we had been given new incite into how to prevent a significant number of health problems, caused by nuclear energy passing through our bodies.

So now we have a real solution to many of our big "Healthcare" problems, and the medical industry can dispose of the nuclear waste products, they are trying to pass off as medication and create profitable energy, instead of making everyone sick.
They should be able to at least pay veterans back, enough they will not have to commit suicide or die from lack of funds ever again.
Johannes Frank Northern Lights
Johannes Frank Chernobyl
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The Veterans Affairs Scandal and More #MuckReads on VA Health Care
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Link to image and a petition.
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