The Medical Bullying of Robert Kraft

Charlie Neibergall/Associated Press
Apparently Robert Kraft was seeking a common alternative medical treatment at a spa, when he was recorded without his permission. Honestly other peoples preventive medical treatments, for a condition known as blue balls are really none of my business, but I have noticed the human male is the only animal in the barnyard who can't reach to lick himself clean. Also he is the only one who supposedly has to have his modesty removed at 8 weeks old, so he can stay clean. Not only is it legal to remove the modesty from an 8 week old male, but it's a procedure the parents have to opt out of, leaving many young males with no modesty and no parents...
I think time has shown, that men should to be taught how to act. We see men, such as Kraft apologizing even for a medical procedure, well others randomly show their personal parts on Facebook, even though their accounts get deleted quickly...
I think Robert Kraft should stand up for men, spa treatments men get are their own business, as long as it's between consenting adults, why open the market up for traffickers?
If human trafficking is going on don't record it, stop it. Do they have signed consent forms from the females they recorded? If these women are trafficking victims, it is not necessary to force them to continue, with the added trama of having their acts recorded. What are they thinking?
Are men going to stand up for themselves, before the medical industry removes their testicals? (lots of scientific evidence to support testical removal, especially if they insist on peeing everywhere, or trying to make love to everything.)
It is common knowledge, the "happy ending" is not a sex act, but a medical procedure used to help men control their sexual urges, because thinking with testicals can be very painful, embarrassing or even deadly. Will testical removal become the male versoin of abortion, where other less invasive options, such as plants are quietly omitted in "educational" settings?
Robert Kraft Requests Jury Trial, Pleads Not Guilty in Prostitution Sting
Court Order Allegedly Didn't Allow Video Recording of Spa Robert Kraft Attended
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