Trump Collects Donations for Veterans, Follow the Money Trail

Most people have donated money at one time or another, without understanding how that money would really be spent.

Under Tax Code 501(c)(3) charities can operate tax free* and donors can right off donations**.

This creates lucrative cash cow charities, most of which are controlled and monopolized by the healthcare, banking, mining and food industries. Veterans funds pay for medical research on veterans. Excessive medical costs and pharmacutical industry profits. They pass money between themselves until someone comes up with a product such as "research" to market products or actual products. One example of how money could be spent is for paying a popular figure like Hillary Clinton to give a speech.

Many of these products are pills or shots plus extra charges for training, marketing, testing, education, and loans to buy products or pay educators to promote products. These products are often very vain, if not damaging, they DO NOT SERVE THE BEST INTERESTS OF VETERANS OR OF OTHER GROUPS, because businesses selling products control these charities and put profits first. Laborers who make products are usually very poorly paid, will prices of products are extremely high, leaving CEO's with an embarrassing amount of money to hand out to control media, politicians, hitmen, police, laws, resources, travel, call girls, products, food water... Even for CEO's having these things at their disposal is an extremely great risk for no actual gain because the wasteful products are designed to bleed money and life out of even the richest members of the population.

It was not in the best interests of veterans to test radiation on them as a treatment for cancer and it is not in their best interests to continue promoting lucrative and dangerous treatments. These charities often donate money to each other or pass laws to force people to buy products like seat belts, fire alarms and even preserved worms. The "Affordable Care Act" was promoted by these charities for the primary purpose of selling the public products without their consent.

The "Affordable Care Act" gives the FDA, which has accepted so many bribes from these "charities" it has been called "for dollars anything" the control to sell you even very dangerous products you do not want, like mind altering drugs for children in the name of healthcare.

These charities are stationed at most universities and schools, they use young people who want to belong to fraternities to raise money. A surprising number of bright students working for these charities end up dead. These charities are used to start wars, to poison people, to prevent children from having food not through intent but simple seperation, of the actual profit, from the actual cost.

This is not a situation where people should be blamed and persecuted, but a situation that must be changed. Publicly funded research should be available to the public and support public interests. The huge outpourings of charity prove our humanity in our good intention and imperfect and progressing understanding of how we affect the world around us.



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